Question 1:  Recently I did a 30-day squat challenge — 30 straight days of squats, 80 squats a day. I mixed them up doing regular squats, goblet squats, hack squats and some machine squats. It was just a little personal challenge to prove I could do it. I slept well and noticed at the end of it my other weights (bench, rows, curls) all went up. Are there any cons to doing a challenge like this? Would you recommend it? 


If your upper body responded positively from doing squats for 30 days, then you probably do not squat enough in the first place. Is squatting daily a sustainable or good idea? Probably not. But who cares! You did it! And it worked out. Cheers, now move forward with the gains, and incorporate more squats into your monthly training regimen (intelligently).

It is important to approach 30-day challenges for what they are: unique, temporary and an opportunity to potentially create a new habit (fingers crossed). As long as you listen to your body and are SMART, then have fun with it! However, keep in mind that preventing injury is always your first priority, even during a challenge. You can always reattempt if your body is not responding favorably. 

Photography by Amber Rought


Question 2:  How should I eat and workout to cut weight in 60 days? I have a wedding coming up and I want to tighten my belt one loop before?


First, sit down. Then grab a pen and write down the top 3 things you do wrong in your diet. Be honest! From your list pick one bad habit (maybe 2!) and focus on fixing those! 

As far as workouts go, stay consistent. That is the overall most important factor. Train 6 days a week, if possible. Lift weights, do yoga, whatever.  Just try hard at whatever it is you choose for that day. Step it up from your norm.


Question 3:  How many days a week do you train and what would you recommend for someone moderately fit who enjoys time in the gym? I’m beginning to think I over-train and get less result from my workouts. 


We train on most days 🙂 Most activities such as weight training and other forms of exercises can be done on a daily basis. 

If you enjoy time in the gym, try out some machines or incorporate exercises you have not used before. Another option is to hire a trainer for a session and let them do their thing! A workout from someone else’s brain is sometimes exactly the inspiration you need to up your game.

A note on over-training: Over-training usually occurs from going too hard on individual workouts, or from doing the same exercise too much… NOT from training too often! Try spreading things out across the week instead of doing 15 sets for one muscle group in a single workout.