The media bombards the public about the coronavirus spreading to the ends of the earth on a daily basis.
The thought of contracting the disease that mimics flu symptoms and makes breathing difficult is enough to make you want to stay home and hide from mankind. For most of us, that just isn’t realistic. As of late, however, it’s becoming reality as college students pack up and head home to finish the semester online, spring breaks are extended and some workplaces urge workers to labor from home.
While the public panics and hoards every last bit of hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, soap and food (for instance my son and I found one — yes, just one — box of Ramen noodles left on a store shelf on Tuesday, March 10, 2020) medical experts recommend a simple, common sense approach to staving off this virus. If you’re hygenic, it’s something you do it every day.
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds with warm, soapy water.
Need more help? Take the advice of someone in Texas who shared this suggestion on social media:
“Wash your hand like you just got done slicing jalapenos for a batch of nachos and you need to take your contacts out. (That’s like 20 second of scubbing, y’all.)”
All kidding and panic aside, I got to thinking as a parent what children must be thinking in the midst of this bedlam. My own children see the warnings about the coronavirus on the news, in the newspaper and on social media.
My son noted earlier this week that two classmates hurried into their classroom, faces covered to their noses with their shirts yelling, “Coronavirus! Coronavirus!” I don’t recall what caused this action, but it could well have been someone sneezing or coughing.
That said, I decided to remind my children to wash their hands. If they cough or sneeze, cover them with their elbows or tissues. Use hand sanitzer if necessary and/or when possible, and avoid touching their eyes or faces.
The flu season hits annually, and every year these practices are encouraged. The same should go with the current situation, and every day, for that matter.
The mom of a dancing teen and a tween who enjoys scouting and hockey, Katie Campomizzi-Clews is a copy editor at The Republican-Herald. She began her career at The RH as a staff writer following graduation from Lycoming College, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in mass communication with a minor in psychology. She shares her experiences of balancing work and parenting and takes a look at issues, events and trends concerning parents and children.