Art for All Seasons is an art competition for area high school students sponsored by The Sunday Times and NEIU.
A winner was picked for every month, and the students’ art will be displayed on the calendar page of Life&Times the last Sunday of each month and on AccessNEPA.
The student Artist of the Month for May is Jenna Baljunas
- School: North Pocono High School
- Grade: 12 Age: 17
- Art teacher: Cynthia Stanton
- Title of artwork: “Transformation”
- Medium: Acrylic
- In her own words: “For about 10 years, every summer I would raise monarch butterflies at home. It has always been my contribution to help increase the population of the species. Inspired by my passion towards saving the monarch butterfly, I painted this to show their incredible transformation into a beautiful butterfly.”
Kevin OʼNeill has been a staff artist for The Times-Tribune since June 1993. In addition to doing illustrations and infographics and designing pages for the paper’s print and electronic publications, he writes InSites, a weekly column about websites and apps. Contact:; 570-348-9100 x5212