Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, in partnership with The GIANT Company (meaning Giant Supermarkets), is pleased to announce the Healing the Planet Grant Program, a competitive grant for tax-exempt organizations that aim to build environmental stewardship by connecting people and families to community green spaces, improve community green spaces, support environmental restoration efforts and support community gardens. Customers at GIANT, MARTIN’S and GIANT Heirloom Market stores were invited to simply round up their grocery purchase to the nearest dollar, from March through May, to donate to this Healing the Planet grant program.

Applications will be accepted for $2,500, $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 and $25,000. Interested applicants that have smaller projects that do not meet the minimum grant of $2,500 are encouraged to expand the scope of their project or partner with another organization. Applications for less than $2,500 will not be considered. A list of criteria for eligible projects can be found here. Applications will be accepted online, June 1 through June 30.

Visit for grant details, timeline, and application.

NATURE NUGGET:  Mountain Laurel is in bloom!  Mountain laurel was designated as Pennsylvania’s official state flower in 1933.  Mountain Laurel is an evergreen shrub native to the eastern United States (from southern Maine to northern Florida and west to Indiana and Louisiana).  Mountain Laurel is also called Ivybush, Calico Bush, Sheep Laurel, Lambkill, Clamoun, and Spoonwood (native Americans used to make spoons from the wood).  It is one of the most beautiful of native American shrubs and the fragrant star-shaped white and pink flowers have attracted travelers since early colonial days (first recorded in America in 1624).


Lady Bird Johnson Quote: I-want-us-to-know-our-world-If-I-lived-in-North-Georgia-on-up-through-the-Appalachians-I-would-be-just-as-crazy-about-the- mountain-laurel-as-I-am-about-[Texas]-bluebonnets | Crazy Quotes