The summer wind, came blowing in, from across the sea … two sweethearts and the summer wind …

Those words from a song made famous by Ol’ Blue Eyes himself, New Jersey native Frank Sinatra, just came to mind as this blog entry began.

Of course, Frank had romance in mind with those “two sweethearts.” For this mamma, those sweethearts take the form of a teen daughter and a tween son.

They love the beach as much as their mother does. They love to frolic in the waves and walk in the sand. They enjoy searching for the perfect (and not so perfect) seashells that end up in plastic sandwich bags and sometimes forgotten for a time once they arrive home. They savor the salty sea air and the sea mist that hits their faces. They want to stay by the sea just a moment more, if not longer.

After nearly a four-year absence, we three ventured to the Jersey Shore last week. We made myriad memories in our short time there. One that my motherly mind cherishes the most is seeing her babies, hand in hand, heading to the surf and surveying the horizon. They stand together, as if to say, “We’re in this together” and “No matter what, I got you.” Big sister and little brother.

Seeing them together at the edge of the sea makes this mamma’s heart proud. They have their moments. What siblings don’t? But when it comes down to it, mamma reminds them, often and much, they’ll always have each other.

They get it. It’s evident as they look to the horizon and endless ocean. Breathe, mamma. Life is good!